Unilever Plastic dashboard & PwCO2 dashboard.

Unilever has a global sustainable task. By 2025 they want all of their plastic packaging to be reusable, recyclable or compostable. To support them in their journey we have created a “plastic dashboard” This dashboard will visualise product by product the current status, and a roadmap to improve the packaging of this project.

While working on the Unilever dashboard we also created a PwCO2 Dashboard. The goal of PwC is to become CO2 Neutral before 2030. In order to reach this goal we have decided to create a personal employee CO2 Dashboard. On this dashboard all 3000 employees of the Amsterdam office can monitor their individual, team and department CO2 usages.

Via tips and trick people can share how to safe CO2, how to become more CO2 aware. And a dedicated team will share all kinds of relevant models and exercises in order to activate all employees in this journey.